Selling for a Japanese friend, dollar or yen at current exchange rate OK.
(605) 838-2709
These are the traditional Okinawa patterns. Except for picture #5, the pattern is called Minsa. That of Yaeyama is the best known alternating pattern of five and four small rectangles symbolizes "love forever," because of which a woman in olden times would give this textile to the man she loved. The handwoven piece was also believed to protect the person who received it.
#1 group picture
#2 New 11 inch x 7 inch
#3 New table coasters. 4 inch x 3 1/2 inch
#4 Draw string purse. 8 inches high x 8 inches across and 4 inches wide at the bottom
#5 New 13 inches x 23 inches
New Not pictures is the Obi, it is 6 inches x 123 inches. If you want a picture of it, send message or text.
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